That quote by Goethe is everything.

What I appreciate the most about your treatment of the relationship between Sherlock and Watson is the deep and mutual respect for the others temperaments insofar as it doesn't run affoul of each others best interests and even then, at least the respect to see where the decisions lead in order to pull each other back from the flame before being burnt.

Each imperfect and wanting more of what the other has to be better than what they considered ideal before meeting each other.

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This is such a nuanced, thoughtful, and emotional portrayal of the gap in communication between Holmes and Watson, that incidentally also makes me want to cry

It makes me think of this quote from The Illustrious Client: “There was a curious secretive streak in the man which led to many dramatic effects, but left even his closest friend guessing as to what his exact plans might be. He pushed to an extreme the axiom that the only safe plotter was he who plotted alone. I was nearer him than anyone else, and yet I was always conscious of the gap between us.”

Holmes, you and Watson NEED to get some couples’ therapy 😭

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I really loved all four installments of this story. Great characters (Miss Morstan!), fun moments, and awesome additions you made, Molly!

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