A HILARIOUS and delightful read, thank you! Your portrayals of the characters feel so alive with a refreshingly modern relevance (then again, who knew that "vibrating with inward excitement" was a phrase being used in the 19th century as well as the 21st lol). When are we getting an animated remake of Sherlock directed by you, again?

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I loved the vibrating Holmes. It was so well rendered I actually thought I was having blurry vision for a moment because it did seem to vibrate.

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The way you draw Holmes is just getting more and more aesthetically pleasing. I would devote my life to following him on his cases, too.

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I would just like you to know that I love this whole series you're doing. You made some sheepish joke in a recent one about it being just Holmes fan art now so you should know we're into it lol

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You capture the dynamic between Sherlock and Watson SO WELL! As always, thank you for being the best part of my day :D

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I love these posts unreservedly.

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