Oh my god, this broke my heart! Neon Galaxy looked like such a fun and interesting concept, something that could become iconic like Adventure Time and Steven's Universe. It's sad, sad time for anything out of the ordinary and unique. Thank you for sharing this gem with us!

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I ADORE this. I'm so sorry, Molly. I really hope you get to continue this adventure someday. It's been a while since animation has had some REAL love for the world of music, and how even artistic expression itself just brings a little life back in our present day, how it encourages us to dream big and connects us to other people. This industry has always taught me that it takes a village to raise a child and Neon Galaxy looks like it would've delivered on that SO well, a lesson anyone can relate to, kids or adults. I'd truly love to see stories like this thrive again. Rooting for you as always. <3

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Thank you for sharing these characters and this world with us - while now might not be the time for this show, I truly hope someone sees the amazing potential here and these characters will get to come to life in some form!

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I LOVE THEM ALREADY and desperately wish this to be made in some form or another.

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Fuuuuuuuuudge. This looks so good, I love every part of it. It would have been the next in the beautiful lineage from Adventure Time to Steven Universe to She-Ra to The Owl House. Thank you for putting so much love into this beautiful creation and sharing it with us as best you could.

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Would you consider a Kickstarter? This is just a wonderful concept.

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I’m so sorry this project was shut down after so much effort was put into it, but thank you for sharing it with us! It looks like a real passion project.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

oh Molly, I am so sorry that the studio let this project go, both for you an for the audience that will miss out on seeing this incredible project. I remember catching a glimpse of Neon Galaxy at a studio-wide town hall meeting back in the day and being so psyched - a surefire success destined for a cult following. It makes zero sense that the studio isn't following through, and I know you will go on to make them regret it.

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It’s so sad to hear of the axing of this show, but thank you so much for sharing your designs!! So heartbroken we won’t get Magical Girl rock stars in space. This all reminds me of when Infinity Train got pulled from HBO Max unexpectedly, despite having a supportive fan base (and being an incredible show)!! Hoping there’s more protections and respect for animators soon! Rooting for all the members of the Animation Guild in their upcoming negotiations <3 <3

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Wow! This would have be phenomenal!! Thanks for sharing what you could and inspiring us to keep creating even when great projects don't work out. I needed to see this today.

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I hope you are able to take the show elsewhere if the studio doesn’t resurrect it! And I hope one day we get to see the animatic 💛

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This looks so cool. It feels like a cross between Steven Universe and Kidd Video (anyone remember that 80s cartoon?). We're sadly seeing too many amazing looking cartoon projects get mothballed for no good reason lately.

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I think you could crowdfund it. You'd succede for sure! But, if your heart isn't in it... then maybe you should hand it off to it's biggest fan to act as a 'producer' & get all that off the ground.... You'd know who'd that'd be better than I. Just a thought.

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I love this show already. I can already tell that Blu would’ve been my favorite character. I really wish Neon Galaxy had been allowed to go forward into publishing.

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I haven't watched this show, but I am already LOVING this! The first look of the poster, I thought Amber and Indigo were sisters because they look alike! I have watched almost all of your shows that you have been working with, and they always turn out wonderful! <3

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"There is nothing as magical to me as the way characters become real through the act of telling their story."

Wow, this is exactly what writing feels like to me, and no one else has really put it thar way. I hope Neon Galaxy gets to live on in some way.

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